SOS is able to continue our mission through your gracious support. SOS relies on
     financial and in-kind donations from a range of supporters, including individuals
     and corporations. Simply put, your donations make SOS possible.

     Any gift that you make to SOS whether it is your time or a donation will make a
     substantial and lasting difference in a woman's life. All donations to SOS, a
     501(c)(3) charitable organization, are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
     Your donations, large or small, assure that SOS can continue to provide support to
     patients with breast cancer.

     You may make financial donations to SOS in several ways. You may visit the
     following secure link to make a donation by credit card.


     Checks, which should be made out to Share Our Suzy, can be mailed to:
     Share Our Suzy
     PO Box 5682
     Columbia, SC 29250
     Attn: Margaret Nevill

     To make a donation on behalf of or in memory of another person, please include
     the person's name on your donation check. For Credit Card donations, you may
     fill in the person's name in the space provided on the Donation link above.


   Share Our Suzy is a volunteer-driven    organization and needs assistance
   with a range of tasks and projects.
   Please contact us at
for further

    To learn more about the sponsorship     opportunities, please contact us



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